“In a world where you can be anything, don’t be shitty.” - Team McPherron

When our kids were little, their dad started saying, "DONT BE SHITTY," whenever they headed out—to a friend's place, school, or just hanging out at home. Soon enough, I added, "Have fun... AND DON'T BE SHITTY!" It quickly turned into our family motto. It always gets a laugh, or an eye roll. And to be honest, both reactions are equally amusing to us.

One day in March of 2022, while scrolling through Instagram, we spotted a friend wearing a hat that simply said, "BE A GOOD PERSON." That moment sparked an idea: We should put "Don't Be Shitty" on a hat!! We were aware that our motto wouldn't resonate with everyone, but that was okay. After all, we’ve always told our kids not everyone will like you, and frankly that’s none of our business.

Now, what's our WHY? Growing older has sharpened our focus on what truly matters—our relationships and our communities. This epiphany has ignited a passion within us to pay it forward, supporting communities and causes that echo our ethos. We recognize that life's path isn't sunshine and roses for everyone; some folks have to weather serious storms. Our aim is to shine a light in the dark corners, to make a difference, even if it’s in the smallest of ways.

While we have always wanted this to be the direction for our company, the catalyst for action came in December of 2023, when our hometown of White Bluff, Tennessee, was hit by a tornado. We wanted to help and decided donate all proceeds from that period to aid families that lost everything. The overwhelming response to this initiative has only reinforced our belief in our mission. Now, with each purchase made on our site, we pledge a portion of the proceeds to charitable causes. Our dream is to nurture this seed of compassion, to watch it grow, and ultimately, to create a ripple of positive change that touches lives far and wide.

Please join us in our movement of positivity. And always remember, “Have fun… and DON’T BE SHITTY!!”